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We are happy to advise you individually on a wide range of topics. If you have any questions, you can always contact us in confidence

In the gynecological consultation, a comprehensive consultation on all topics of prevention, contraception and family planning is very important to me, and I take a lot of time for it. Should pathological changes occur, which are detected by careful anamnesis and clinical examination, modern ultrasound diagnostics or by external laboratory diagnostics, I will draw up a transparent treatment concept with you after detailed discussion of all findings, which will meet your individual needs. A collegial cooperation with colleagues of all specialties and clinics or competence centers is fundamental and self-evident for me.

Gynecological screening

  • Gynecological checkups
  • Preventive cervical smear incl. Thin Prep and HPV test
  • Palpation examination of the breast and internal genitalia
  • Screening test for colorectal and bladder cancer
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Vaginal ultrasound examination

Frequently asked questions

When do I go to the gynecologist?

Girls, adolescents and women should always see a gynecologist when they have specific complaints. A visit to the gynecologist is also important for pre- and post-natal care.

How often do I need to see a gynecologist?

Every woman over the age of 20 should have an annual check-up as part of her statutory health insurance. More frequent visits to the gynecologist are also possible in the case of specific complaints and illnesses or when taking the pill.

What happens at the first visit?

After filling out the medical history form, there is usually a detailed discussion in which all questions can be asked. This is usually followed by a physical examination.

Gynecological complaints and diseases

  • Cycle and bleeding disorders
  • Complaints and infections of the genitals
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Hormonally related disorders (e.g., PCO syndrome)
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence (pelvic floor exercises, drug-induced breast disease (e.g., cysts and mastodynia)
Frequently asked questions

My period is overdue. Do I need to see a gynecologist?

If your period is overdue, this is not a reason to go to the gynecologist. However, if the overdue period lasts 3 to 4 weeks, pregnancy is ruled out and the subsequent menstruation is also absent, a visit to the gynecologist is recommended.

When does the gynecologist speak of bleeding disorders?

Gynecologists speak of a bleeding disorder when bleeding deviates from the regular, normal menstrual period. It may be too short or long, or too weak or heavy, or bleeding may occur between the actual menstrual periods.

Girls and teenagers’ consultation

We are happy about every girl, teenager and young woman who stops by our gynecological practice for gynecology and obstetrics in Munich. The fact that you have an appointment with us does not necessarily mean that we will examine you extensively – only if you expressly request this or if there are specific complaints. Otherwise, we will show you around our practice and give you an impression of what a gynecologist actually does.

While you’re here, we’ll be happy to tell you about HPV vaccination. As you probably know, cervical cancer is caused by human papilloma viruses. In addition, we will give you comprehensive advice, tailored to your individual needs, on all topics related to contraception. If you wish, you can bring your best friend and mother to the appointment.

Frequently asked questions

Why should young girls go to the gynecologist?

Young girls can go to the gynecologist after their first sexual intercourse or if they have complaints or questions about their periods. In addition, the first visit to the gynecologist at a young age often takes away existing fears or feelings of shame, which makes going to the gynecologist more natural in later years.

Can I bring a companion?

Yes, young girls, teenagers and women are welcome to bring a companion. This can take away fears and strengthen the well-being.
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